For a brighter future

Our mission is to make products that people love.
We design and produce industry changing products by utilising circular design strategies, new sustainable materials and our own unique design methodology to push the limits of sustainable consumerism.
We are a team of positive, committed and highly driven people who are always striving to be curious, insightful and honest, while doing what we can for people and the planet.
Core values
We believe circular design shouldn’t be an optional extra, it’s just a given standard.
Everything we do will be to improve the quality of life for people now, and for future generations.
We want to design things that don’t harm, damage, or leave the world in a worse place than when we started.
We will educate people through open and honest communication. We will not hide what goes into our products and we will remain transparent with everything we do.
We exist to make consumer products better, to improve people’s lives through the art of design and manufacture.